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Whistleblowing - basic information

Reports pursuant to Act No. 171/2023. Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, and Rules for Reporting Violations, Handling Reports and Protection of Whistleblowers, can be submitted either through the internal reporting channel to the appropriate person or through the external reporting channel to the Ministry of Justice.

The person responsible for processing the report is: doc. JUDr. Jakub Morávek, Ph. D:

Reports to the appropriate person may be filed in any of the following ways:

  1. by an electronic mail sent to;
  2. by calling the following number +420 725 610 580;
  3. in person at the request of the whistleblower in agreement with the competent person at a specified time, but no later than within 14 days of contacting the competent person, at the registered office of the obliged entity or at another agreed location. The filing shall be recorded in writing or, with the consent of the whistleblower, in a voice recording, which shall be an audio recording or a recording that faithfully captures the substance of the oral report. The competent person shall give the whistleblower the opportunity to comment on the recording or transcript of the sound recording, if made; the whistleblower's comments shall be attached to the recording or transcript.

Muramoto Manufacturing Europe s.r.o. as an obliged entity in accordance with Section 9(2)(b)(3) of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., the obliged entity does not accept reports from the following persons performing work or other similar activities for it:

  1. self-employed persons, except in cases involving the exercise of rights and obligations arising from a contract on the provision of supplies, services, construction work or other similar performance;
  2. persons exercising rights associated with participation in the obliged entity;
  3. persons serving as a member of the body of the obliged entity;
  4. persons performing tasks within the scope of the activities of the obliged entity, in its interest, on its behalf and on its account;
  5. persons administering the trust fund
  6. people performing professional work experience or internships.

Protection of whistleblowers

The company is an obliged entity as defined by Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers. It is therefore obliged to establish an internal reporting system for the submission of protected disclosures and to designate a competent person to receive and handle the submissions. The company has complied with these legal obligations.

As part of the fulfilment of the legal obligations in receiving and handling submissions by the competent person, the identification, contact and other personal data (in particular data on the reported conduct) of the whistleblower, the subject of the report and other persons who are affected by the conduct reported by the whistleblower, or who can provide testimony on the relevant facts, etc., are processed.

The report and related documentation are archived in the records prescribed by law for a period of 5 years from receipt of the report.

Detailed information about the processing, including detailed information about your rights and the conditions for exercising them, as well as how to exercise those rights, is available here.